We are the strangers you meet
We are your friends
We are your family members
Be Honest – Hide Nothing - Be Unonymous
We are the human condition
Mental health and substance use issues are normal
Break the stigmas
You are not alone

Welcome to

The social revolution redefining normal – where you’re allowed to be a human.
We believe that through open conversation and education, understanding will
open the doors to acceptance.
We are not anonymous – we are Unonymous.
Unonymous is a 501(c)3 non-profit founded to destigmatize
and normalize mental health and substance use issues.

1 in 5
Adults in America
experience a mental illness.
Mental Health
1 in 7
Americans will develop a substance use disorder in their lifetime.

The general population endorses the stereotypes of mental illness and acts in a discriminatory manner.
A person with mental health issues internalizes the prejudice and discrimination that results from public stigma
Policies that intentionally restrict or create unintended consequences for people with mental health issues.
Adapted from:
The Stigma of Mental Illness, PW Corrigan and AB Bink

Founders Note
Jon Sommers
ICD 10:
F10.180 alcohol abuse with alcohol-induced anxiety disorder
F10.21 history of alcoholism
F10.239 alcohol dependence with withdrawal, unspecified
F33.1 major depressive disorder, recurrent, moderate
F39 mood disorder
F43 acute stress reaction
F43.9 reaction to stress, unspecified
Lamotrigine 150mg
Bupropion 300mg
Lithium 450mg
These are some of my diagnosis. But that is not ME. I could be defined by my diagnoses, but I’m not. I am who I am when I am. Human life is an infinite set of infinite possibilities, and I am just one of those possibilities. So are you. We are normal unto ourselves.
I generally do not like people – but I love people in Recovery. Why? Because we are the honest ones who admit we have an issue and are working with others like us to better ourselves. Are you?
Our focus is not on how we got here – but where we are going. These issues exist. Period. They must be addressed – not condemned. In order to address them, we have to have an open and honest conversation – without masks. We have to be honest about our own choices and our own shortcomings. We have to realize that we are all equally fallible and equally human.
Full disclosure brings a catharsis. This is why I founded Unonymous. I am not ashamed of who I am. You don’t have to be either.
Be Unonymous.